Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Precious Prinsess part 5

As the sun set Salina stopped in the barn of an old farm, the cows mooed as she dismounted. She sat on a bale of hay and sorted through her belongings. In her bag was her dagger, she drove that into her belt, the food that she stole, four outfits, and an extra pair of shoes. Salina slept through the night until around five am the horse steeped on her hair to wake her up. She looked up the horse was chewing on hay, unaware that he was standing on her. “Get off!” Salina yelled shooing him away. She got up and looked around. Her bag was thrown carelessly on the fence and it condense was strewn around it. She scrambled up to check the damage. “Burglars” she muttered to herself as she ran over. But as she inspected the content, she found nothing damaged or stolen, and as she looked around in bewilderment she noticed next to her old sack was a large hiking backpack. Salina ran over to it. She zipped it open and inspected the things inside. The bag was half full she pulled out, first another bag of food, a pair of old scissors, a jack knife, a water container, water purifier and a bright shiny sward. At the bottom of the bag was a note. Dear Salina, as I thought you had packed TERIBULY I have provided some other useful items that you will need. The note wasn’t signed. Confused she packed the backpack and was off leaving the old sack behind.

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