Thursday, July 25, 2013

Precious Prinsess part 6

She rode through though the farmlands, the farmers looked up from their morning work as she rode by. She noticed that her pristine royal white horse would attract attention. She pulled over at a small stream and splashed the horse who she decided to call Libra with dirty water staining his white coat, and making him look warn and old. After getting the mysterious note she had noticed all the things she will really need for her trip. She decided to stay in the village for a day or two. She wanted to figure out what she was going to do, and one thing for sure is that she wanted to find the old woman that she saw the day Rapunzel disappeared. Libra trotted through town and it painfully reminded Salina of that day, with the street performers prancing around the fountain and street vendors crowded by villagers. Salina first decided to stop at a inn and get a room. She tied Libra up in front of the Three Beers a restaurant that she heard was also an inn, but as she flung open the door Salina found herself face to face with the old lady.


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